Buy 50 cent Wendy's frosty, get free MLB.TV pass |
Here is a way to watch the Cubs and the rest of the major league action if you can't watch locally the rest of the baseball season.
Step 1: Purchase a Wendy's Frosty Step 2: Take a photo of your Frosty Step 3: Upload a photo of your Frosty to either Instagram or Twitter using #50centFrostyMLB (note: accounts must be public - private accounts are not eligible) Step 4: You will be direct messaged with steps on how to activate your MLB.TV premium subscription for the remainder of the 2016 regular season (You will be contacted 24 - 48 hours after your photo has been uploaded by @MLBTV on Twitter or @WendysMLB on Instagram. Please follow @MLBTV on Twitter.) Step 5: Enjoy watching MLB.TV premium (blackout restrictions apply) Want FREE @MLBTV? Post a pic of your 50¢ @Wendys Frosty using #50centFrostyMLB! #ad