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Adam Hunger / USATODAY

Statements from Aroldis Chapman and Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts

Tony Crumpton Tony Crumpton - Senior Editor -

CHICAGO – Upon the completion of today’s trade, pitcher Aroldis Chapman and Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts each issued the following statements.

In addition, Cubs President of Baseball Operations Theo Epstein will be available this afternoon prior to the club’s game from U.S. Cellular Field, with Chapman available to media tomorrow (more details to follow).

LHP Aroldis Chapman (English)

“I want to thank the New York Yankees for trusting and supporting me, and I wish nothing but the best for the Yankees organization and my former teammates,” said Chapman. “I am excited about today’s trade and look forward to joining the Chicago Cubs and meeting my new teammates. It is a privilege to wear the Cubs uniform and to play for the fans of Chicago.

“As you know, earlier this year I accepted and served a 30-game suspension from Major League Baseball resulting from my actions of October 30, 2015. I regret that I did not exercise better judgment and for that I am truly sorry. Looking back, I feel I have learned from this matter and have grown as a person. My girlfriend and I have worked hard to strengthen our relationship, to raise our daughter together, and would appreciate the opportunity to move forward without revisiting an event we consider part of our past. Out of respect for my family, I will not comment any further on this matter.

“I cannot wait to take the mound at Wrigley Field and look forward to helping my teammates deliver a championship to Chicago.”

Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts

“Obviously, we are aware of the circumstances surrounding Aroldis Chapman's suspension earlier this season. We are also aware that he cooperated fully with the league investigation and takes responsibility for his actions.

“Today, prior to completing the trade, Theo, Jed and I spoke with Aroldis. I shared with him the high expectations we set for our players and staff both on and off the field. Aroldis indicated he is comfortable with meeting those expectations.

“Finally, my family, this team and Major League Baseball take the issue of domestic violence very seriously and support efforts to reduce domestic violence through education, awareness and intervention.”

LHP Aroldis Chapman (Spanish)

“Quiero agradecer a los Yankees de Nueva York por confiar y apoyarme, y deseo todo lo mejor para la organización y mis ex compañeros. Estoy muy emocionado con el cambio de hoy y con muchas ganas de unirse con mi nuevo equipo, los Cachorros de Chicago, y conocer a mis nuevos compañeros. Es un privilegio de ponerme el uniforme de los Cachorros y jugar para los fanaticos de Chicago.

“Como saben, al principio de este año acepté y cumpli una suspensión de 30 juegos de Grandes Ligas como resultado de mis acciones el día 30 de octubre de 2015. Como ya he indicado anteriormente definitivamente debería haber ejercido mejor juicio y por eso, me siento de verdad y profundamente arrepentido. Al analizar el pasado, siento que he aprendido de este asunto y he crecido como persona. Mi novia y yo hemos trabajado duro para fortalecer nuestra relación y para criar nuestra hija en conjunto y quisiera tomar esta oportunidad para continuar adelante sin tener que responder preguntas sobre un evento el cual consideramos en el pasado. Respetando a nuestra familia, no comentare mas sobre este asunto.

“Estoy ansioso de tomar la loma en Wrigley Field y ayudar a mis nuevos compañeros de equipo traer un campeonato a la ciudad de Chicago.”

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