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Maybe Next Year- Part 1: Where the Cubs Went Wrong in 2019
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Maybe Next Year- Part 1: Where the Cubs Went Wrong in 2019

Sep 30, 2019, 7:49 AM

Maybe Next Year- Part 1: Where the Cubs Went Wrong in 2019

I have a lot of respect for those who held out hope until the very end, but deep down I knew - back in early July- that this would be a short season for Chicago.
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Re: Maybe Next Year- Part 1: Where the Cubs Went Wrong in 2019

Sep 30, 2019, 12:00 PM

I had a gut feeling when the Cubs went 2-7 at the beginning of the season that this was going to be a long and disappointing season, and my gut feeling was right, unfortunately.

I agree that the entire pitching staff was mismanaged. If a starter can't throw a minimum of 100 pitches per start then he shouldn't be a starter. In the way the game is played today six innings is about the max for a starter. Then a reliever for the 7th and 8th, then the closer for the 9th. That's all fine and dandy if you have a reliable bullpen, which we didn't. If a starter is winning and he's only thrown 75-80 pitches at the end of 7 innings why remove him until he gets himself in trouble? Then go to the bullpen. I don't know what the stats were for complete games pitched this year but my guess is less than 15.

For the exception of Rizzo and possibly Baez I don't think any other of the Cubs are above be traded. We better get a high return if Bryant is traded, and if they are don't sign Castellanos to a deal that to me would be like throwing the 2020 season out the window before it starts. He is the perfect player for Wrigley Field and the one bright spot we had the last couple of months.

Now the coaching staff. I say release them all, hire a manager and let him hire the coaching staff and be highly involved in the who gets signed and who doesn't, as far as pitching and position players.

I've always felt our talent has been overrated and these past couple of years proved that. Having said that we were better than we showed on the field.

Now injuries. Why so many injuries to key players that never seemed to fully heal. Once again I blame free agency. Agents don't want their highly paid players risk having a hang nail so to the IL they go. With all the technology, trainers, team Doctors you would think that injuries could be kept to a minimum. History will show that healthy teams win.

What's going on in the minor league system and teaching fundamentals? We lost too many games due to costly errors, that has got to be stop.

I'll follow up with part two tomorrow

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