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Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon?
Chicago Sports HQ Boards - CubsHQ Board
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Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon?

Jul 5, 2019, 3:07 PM

Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon?

Fast forward three seasons and the Cubs are in a position that many never thought they would be in with their Manager on the Hot seat. The question is, have we seen the end of Joe Maddon before this season is finished? Full Story »

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Re: Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon?

Jul 5, 2019, 3:33 PM

I believe that Maddon will stay through the season but if the Cubs don't at least make it to The Series, Epstein will let him walk.

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Re: Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon?

Jul 5, 2019, 3:36 PM

pretty thoughtful response

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Re: Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon?

Jul 5, 2019, 3:49 PM [ in reply to Re: Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon? ]

I originally thought that he was going to make it through the regular season regardless based on what hes all done for this franchise. After the way they have played the last 2 weeks especially during this Pittsburgh series I'm not convinced he makes it through July anymore. The wind yesterday was a good win and hopefully his E jection is going to light a fire under this team to get them moving in the right direction again because if things don't improve with their 9 game home stand coming out of the break you will not make it to the trade deadline because they can afford to continuously play this way

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Re: Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon?

Jul 5, 2019, 5:00 PM

I, for one, feel Joe's time is probably up. If so, I will forever be indebted to him for giving us a championship in my lefetime (I'm 73). For the last year and a half, it has seemed that the team is lacking the consistant enthusiasm they had in '15 and '16. Not offering Joe a contract extension past this year seems to me to indicate that Joe Girardi may be in the Cubs future. If that's the case, why not make the move now? I'm of the old school - I'd like to see some fire and enthusiam on this team! Just my two cents. Thanks.

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Re: Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon?

Jul 5, 2019, 5:03 PM

I hope not. I hate to sound like a broken record, but I am 83y old, born a Cub fan, as mother, and her father, my Grandfather were Cub fans. I disagree with Joe, on a lot of things he does. However he cannot go out and pitch, or hit, of field. He is putting, what he thinks is the best for that day to win the ball game. When this young pitcher came up and did so well for two appearances, I thought this is great, then he got shelled twice. Joe is the best manager the Cubs have had in 50years. I believe he is one of the best in the Majors. I doubt if anyone else could accomplished more in the past 5yrs. I hope management can see that!!

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He is planning to be a manager at Benny's Beverage Depot***

Jul 5, 2019, 5:44 PM

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Re: He is planning to be a manager at Benny's Beverage Depot***

Jul 5, 2019, 6:20 PM

U still work there?

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I moved up to director of whiskeys and shot glasses

Jul 5, 2019, 7:39 PM

maddon has been trying to get a job with us for years so he can go into the back room and drink wine all day.

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Re: I moved up to director of whiskeys and shot glasses

Jul 5, 2019, 9:37 PM

Doesn't need you anymore, has his own restaurant near Wrigley now.

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He wants to have a place where he can go and not worry about

Jul 5, 2019, 11:37 PM

appearances. Just cut loose and drink straight out of the bottle. He's not a wine taster. He's a wine chugger.

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Re: Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon?

Jul 5, 2019, 11:38 PM

After all, Joe has done for Chicago and the Cubs I would hate to see him booted. Let him finish the year and with heavy heart blah blah let him accept an offer from another team to turn their club around. So Joe can save face. And thank you, Joe.

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Re: Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon?

Jul 6, 2019, 10:19 PM

Excellent take and read. I agree. It's now not a matter of "if", but of "when. I think that they'll wait until the end of July, then let the bench coach run the team.Then offer the job to Giraldi if he's not asking for obscene money. Remember, Joe makes $5M, Cora (Bos. RSox) makes like $800k. Giraldi's worth at least what Maddon got, but no more IMO.

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Re: Commentary: Have we seen the last of Joe Maddon?

Jul 7, 2019, 8:45 AM

I believe that Theo already has a guy he wants to replace Joe and if that guy is willing to come in now Theo pulls the trigger Monday or Wednesday. If not then he waits until the end of the season. I don't think we'll see an interim manager.

Joe Girardi has been mentioned as has David Ross. I would be stunned if Ross is the guy. One name not mentioned, but I believe may be the sleeper here, is John Farrell.

Stay tuned.

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Should I stay close to my computer for an announcement?***

Jul 7, 2019, 9:17 PM

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