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Commentary: More excuses than wins
Chicago Sports HQ Boards - CubsHQ Board
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Commentary: More excuses than wins

Jul 4, 2019, 10:12 AM

Commentary: More excuses than wins

The fans can see what is wrong just as clearly as the front office. You do not have to be baseball savant to know this team has a couple of severe flaws that need to be addressed during the break and before the trading deadline. Full Story »

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Re: Commentary: More excuses than wins

Jul 4, 2019, 10:41 AM

My thoughts are in a later commentary but i think Maddon is done in Chicago possibly during the break

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Re: Commentary: More excuses than wins

Jul 4, 2019, 11:02 AM

I agree and have been saying the same for three weeks now.

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Re: Commentary: More excuses than wins

Jul 4, 2019, 11:04 AM

I wrote a commentary about Joe Maddon on Monday. Just waiting for it to be posted for everyone's thoughts

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Re: Commentary: More excuses than wins

Jul 4, 2019, 12:27 PM

This is as poorly as I've witnessed the Cubs play this year. They are closing out the 1st half like the end of last season... On a very inexcusable sour note.

So many fundamental mental mistakes. Can't fault Contreras in the 9th inning, the walk and the bone headed play by Russell, well that was the game.

I'm hoping with a few days off at the break they will get things together like start a 6 or 7 game winning streak. That is what they need. I'm not in the belief Epstein can wait for the trade deadline to get the plethora of problems fixed.

I apologize to you all of the Schwarber fans but he, Russell, Descalso have got to go before they lose what trade value they have left. We have got to get something good in return for the long haul not just the 2nd half.

As you say Epstein and company may be looking for work if they don't get this fixed. They may even have to eat the over inflated contract of Darvish because he is healthy and hasn't come close to performing for his pay grade. Hendricks was in a groove until his injury so it's going to take a few starts to get back to form. Lester has been unpredictable but can still be a force. But let's face the starting staff is getting older and the quality starts have been few and far between. Quintana is another that you never know what you will get when he pitches, if he's on his game he's tough, but we gave up an awful lot of talent for him.

It's got to be tough for Maddon to look at the scoreboard and see us down every game in the 1st or 2nd inning and the starters throwing 50-60 pitches in the 3rd inning. That is just unacceptable and happening game after game especially with teams we should be beating.

Maybe they should fire the pitching and hitting coach and hire a Psychologist.

I understand these players are all human and have their own off the field troubles but you have got to leave those at home not bring them to work. Our fans pay big bucks to watch these guys play good fundamental baseball. So far that's not happened.

My career as a Nurse for 43 years is coming to an end and I have made some mistakes, but none that resulted in a death. So I get it, errors are part of the game, hitting slumps are part of the game, poor pitching performances are part of the game, but if I in my job had performed in what we fans have been witnessing, I'd been fired years ago. These boys make more than I make in an entire year each time they take the field. I expect more than what I'm seeing.

Once again I'll say it. Money, free agency has ruined the game. Even the best player is not worth 10% of what they make and neither are their corrupt agents.

So go out there, play good baseball, have fun and give the fans what they deserve, a winning team.

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Re: Commentary: More excuses than wins

Jul 4, 2019, 8:24 PM

Finally! You could not be more right! Time to start making some moves, Theo. This team, as is, is good enough to win the division but Cub fans deserve more.

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