CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
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CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 23, 2018, 8:47 AM
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Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 23, 2018, 9:10 AM
interesting read by Ken
Hot Dog Vendor [70]
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Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 23, 2018, 9:43 AM
Starting to look grim. Even Dan, aka "Mr. Quit Worrying," is starting to see the writing on the wall.
Freshman [10]
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Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 23, 2018, 2:45 PM
Okay, specifically, WHY does it look "grim"?
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Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 23, 2018, 4:14 PM
Just the lack of action overall, in my opinion. Cubs have signed Descalso- that was a good move, and if they land Tulowitzki, even better, but they aren't going to keep up with the Joneses by signing relief pitchers who can't play in 2019 (Kendall Graveman) or guys with a 7.78 ERA (Zagurski). Without dropping names, a former Cubs pitcher told me privately that Theo had him (and the team) very confused about the messages he was sending at the end of last season- he also said he had no-idea what Epstein was attempting to accomplish now.
Freshman [10]
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Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 23, 2018, 4:19 PM
I hear all of that Ken, but one thing I am certain of is that Epstein is nobody's fool. Neither is Maddon. Or Hoyer, or the Rickets. I think they will do what they deem best to put a Division winner on the field this year. I think Maddon will come into 2019 with a vengeance. And I think we have the talent. I really do.
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Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 23, 2018, 4:24 PM
You know, Scott, I had been saying all of that in their defense since the season ended, but I'm absolutely worried about the stillness at this point. I thought he'd snatch at least one guy at the winter meetings- but nothing. I thought they'd sign a brand-name free-agent by now, but nadda. I agree he sometimes plays it close to the vest, but this is too close, and for too long.
Freshman [10]
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Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 23, 2018, 4:34 PM
It ain't over til it's over partner. We haven't heard the last of it yet.
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Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 23, 2018, 4:40 PM
I hope you're right.
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Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 23, 2018, 7:49 PM
I wish I had the patience and confidence that you two seem to have...
Freshman [10]
CubPulse: 100%
Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 29, 2018, 1:21 PM
[ in reply to Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo? ] |
I actually thought the Theo story by the other know nothing that writes for you was more on point then this story. I'm tired of all the complaining by Cubs fans. Cubs will win big in 2019 just wait.
Hot Dog Vendor [70]
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Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Dec 29, 2018, 2:41 PM
Nobody is complaining. Baseball is a business and the idea of a business is success. Stores, factories, restaurants, etc all tend to do poorly if they don't upgrade- the Cubs are no different. I will, however, tell the other "Know nothing" that you like him better than you like me- I'm sure he'll be flattered.
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Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Jan 2, 2019, 9:04 AM
I know nothing...
Hot Dog Vendor [70]
CubPulse: 100%
Re: CubsHQ: Commentary: What’s the plan, Theo?
Jan 2, 2019, 11:21 AM
Ha- you're the omnipresent guru.