We all get angered at the bandwagon fans who jump on the train when our team is winning, then bail out the minute they lose, but there might be a little bandwagon fan in all of us. Full Story »
Ken that's it? because they haven't won the trophy? I consider you a friend and it's too late to change that, lol but when Cards and Brewers and possibly Boston and Brewers meet on a diamond, I wish for one simple thing from the baseball God's: on the last out in B9, that the earth opens up and swallows the lot of them. #### no. not me. btw. I disagree with your assessment about the best team in the NL. You know the routine. Later Ken
Ken that's it? because they haven't won the trophy? I consider you a friend and it's too late to change that, lol but when Cards and Brewers and possibly Boston and Brewers meet on a diamond, I wish for one simple thing from the baseball God's: on the last out in B9, that the earth opens up and swallows the lot of them. #### no. not me. btw. I disagree with your assessment about the best team in the NL. You know the routine. Later Ken