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New Story: Commentary: In Theo We Trust!
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New Story: Commentary: In Theo We Trust!

Nov 6, 2016, 11:26 AM

Commentary: In Theo We Trust!

Let me first say that I firmly believe that Theo Epstein has cemented himself among the greats, and will go down as one of--if not the greatest General Manager or overseer of baseball operations of all-time. And think of this: he's younger than Bartolo Colon is. Whoa. Baseball is just great, isn't it? Full Story »

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Re: New Story: Commentary: In Theo We Trust!

Nov 6, 2016, 12:16 PM

I know we are still basking in the glow of all this. I've been DVR'ing everything from game replays to parade coverage to Rizzo twerking on SNL. I've been buying all kinds of stuff, from hats and shirts to 2 boxes of Rizz-Os that just about cost me more in shipping than the cereal. I'm 53, been on this bandwagon since 1970. This year, simply put, has been the Greatest Summer Ever! I'm also a Blackhawks fan, and we know that eventually the business side of things will be addressed and some guys will be gone and some new ones will come onboard. I'm not going to speculate, I just wondered if the folks that run this site and those that share their thoughts can recommend some sites to peruse so the average guy like me can make some sense of what's coming down the road. Thanks so much and Eamus Catuli...

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where did you get the Rizz-Os online?***

Nov 6, 2016, 1:47 PM

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Re: where did you get the Rizz-Os online?***

Nov 17, 2016, 8:59 PM
Just got my 2 boxes in yesterday, only took 2 weeks. They usually are out, but I got lucky. No Jewell Oscos here in Arkansas.....

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Re: where did you get the Rizz-Os online?***

Nov 17, 2016, 10:08 PM

are they actually good?

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Re: where did you get the Rizz-Os online?***

Nov 17, 2016, 10:22 PM

I would imagine he isn't saving them as a collectible and not eating them or maybe they were delicious ??

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Re: New Story: Commentary: In Theo We Trust!

Nov 6, 2016, 3:09 PM [ in reply to Re: New Story: Commentary: In Theo We Trust! ]

Coming down the road as in minor leaguers?

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Re: New Story: Commentary: In Theo We Trust!

Dec 28, 2016, 5:25 PM

Actually I have chowed down on the Rizz-O's, they're like honey nut cheerios. I kept the boxes. As for what's coming down the road, well, we've already seen a few things haven't we? I like how the bullpen has been addressed. I wonder who will be our leadoff man in 2017. I also wonder how Joe will juggle his daily lineup. We are World Champs and our window of success is wide open, but we still have such a young team. Schwarbs, Baez, Almora Jr,and Contreras haven't played a full season, so there's that. Russell and Bryant have 2 full seasons under their belts, and Rizzo is the wily vet of the bunch with 4, even though he's played 6 years. Mix in Zobrist, Heyward, Montero, as well as the new guy John Jay, and I figure either LaStella or Szczur. The impressive thing is so many guys can play in other spots. 2017 isn't even here yet and I'm already wishing we were getting reports from Arizona. God I love these guys, and to all that make CubsHQ work, Happy New Year, and Let's Win Two!

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Re: New Story: Commentary: In Theo We Trust!

Dec 30, 2016, 7:11 AM

Thanks for being a part of the website... go Cubs!

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